The Classification of Organisms

I am beginning to add some to Kingdom Plantae, but most of my lists are in the Kingdom Animalia, close to the bottom of the list. Things will change, but slowly.

I also have a glossary to help you with terminologies.

For information on where I got my information, see the bibliography.

Kingdom Monera
Unicellular prokaryotes without distinct nuclei and membrane bound organelles.
Division Schizophyta -- Bacteria
Division Cyanobacteria -- Blue-green Algae
Division Chloroxybacteria -- Prochlorophytes
Kingdom Protista
Mostly unicellular eukaryotes with distinct nuclei and membrane bound organelles.
Animallike Protists
Phylum Mastigophora -- Flagellated Protozoans
Phylum Sarcodina -- Amoeboid Protozoans
Phylum Ciliophora -- Ciliated Protozoans
Phylum Sporozoa -- Nonmotile, parasitic Protozoans

Plantlike Protists
Division Chrysophyta -- Diatoms and Golden-brown Algae
Division Euglenophyta -- Flagellated Algae lacking cell walls
Division Pyrrophyta -- Fire Algae (dinoflagellates)

Funguslike Protists
Division Myxomycota -- Plasmoidal slime molds
Division Acrasiomycota -- Cellular slime molds
Kingdom Fungi
Plantlike saprotrophic heterotrophs typically with multinucleate cells. Body composed of hyphae.
Division Zygomycota -- Conjugating or Algal Fungi
Division Ascomycota -- Sac Fungi
Division Basidiomycota -- Club Fungi
Division Deuteromycota -- Imperfect Fungi
Kingdom Plantae
Multicellular eukaryotes with rigid cell walls; primarily photosynthetic autotrophs.
Complex Algae
Division Rhodophyta -- Red Algae
Division Phaeophyta -- Brown Algae
Division Chlorophyta -- Green Algae

Nonvascular Land Plants
Division Bryophyta -- Mosses, liverworts, and hornworts
Vascular Land Plants Without Seeds
Division Psilophyta -- Psilopsids
Division Lycophyta -- Club Mosses
Division Sphenophyta -- Horsetails
Division Pterophyta -- Ferns

Vascular Plants with Seeds
Division Coniferophyta -- Conifers
Family Pinaceae -- Pine, Spruce, Fir
Family Taxodiaceae -- Sequoias, Cypress
Family Cupressaceae -- Cedar, Juniper
Family Taxaceae -- Yew
Division Cycadophyta -- Cycads
Division Ginkgophyta -- Ginkgos
Family Ginkgaceae
Division Gnetophyta -- Gnetophytes

Division Anthophyta -- Flowering Plants
Class Monocotyledones -- Monocots(e.g., grasses, lilies)
Family Magnoliaceae -- Magnolias
Family Annonaceae -- Custard Apples
Family Canallaceae -- Wild Cinnamon
Family Illiciaceae -- Anise Tree
Family Lauraceae -- Laurel, Bay, Camphor
Family Platanaceae -- Sycamore
Family Hammamelidaceae -- Witch Hazel
Family Ulmaceae -- Elm
Family Moraceae -- Mulberry
Family Leitneriaceae -- Corkwood
Family Juglandaceae -- Walnnut, Hickory
Family Myricaceae -- Wax Myrtle, Bayberry
Family Fagaceae -- Beech, Chestnut, Oak
Family Betulaceae -- Birch, Alder
Family Casuasinaceae -- Beefwood
Family Nyctaginaceae -- Four O'Clocks
Family Cactaceae -- Cactii
Family Polygonaceae -- Buckwheat
Family Theaceae
Family Guttiferae
Family Tiliaceae -- Basswood, Linden
Class Dicotyledones(e.g., beans, oaks, snapdragons)

Kingdom Animalia
Multicellular eukaryotic heteroptophs; cells without cell walls or chlorophyll; primarily motile
Phylum Porifera -- Sponges

Radial Protosromes
Phylum Cnidaria -- Coelenterates(diploblastic)
Class Hydrozoa -- Hydroids
Class Scyphozoa -- True Jellyfish
Class Anthozoa -- Sea Anemones and Corals
Phylum Ctenophora -- Comb Jellies

Bilateral Protostomes
Phylum Platyhelminthes -- Flatworms(triploblastic)
Class Turbellaria -- Free-living Flatworms
Class Trematoda -- Flukes(parasitic)
Class Cestoda -- Tapeworms(parasitic)
Phylum Rhynchocoela -- Nemertean Worms
Class Anopla -- Unarmed Nemerteans
Class Enopla -- Armed Nemerteans
Phylum Annelida -- Segmented Worms
Phylum Aschelminthes -- Aschelminthean Worms
Phylum Sipuncula -- Peanut Worms
Phylum Echiurid -- Echiurid Worms
Phylum Nematoda -- Roundworms
Phylum Rotifera -- Rotifers
Phylum Mollusca -- Mollusks; soft bodies and usually with a shell
Class Amphineura -- Chitons
Class Monoplacophora -- Neopilina
Class Scaphopoda -- Tooth Shells
Class Gastropoda -- Snails and Slugs
Class Pelecypoda -- Clams and Mussels
Class Cephalopoda -- Squids and Octopi
Phylum Annelida -- Segmented Worms
Class Polychaeta -- Sandworms
Subclass Errantia -- Mobile Polychaetes
Subclass Sedentaria -- Tube or burrowing Polychaetes
Class Oligochaeta -- Earthworms
Class Hirudinea -- Leeches
Phylum Onychophora -- Peripatus
Phylum Arthropoda -- Animals with exoskeleton and jointed appendages
Subphylum Mandibulata -- Mandibulate Arthropods
Class Chilopoda -- Centipedes
Class Crustacea -- Crustaceans
Order Entomostraca -- Smaller Aquatic Forms
Family Anostraca -- Fairy Shrimps
Family Cirripedia -- Barnacles
Family Cladocera -- Water Fleas
Family Conchostraca -- Clam Shrimp
Family Copepoda -- Copepods
Family Notostraca -- Tadpole Shrimps
Family Ostracoda -- Ostracods
Order Malacostraca -- Larger Aquatic Forms
Family Decapoda -- Decapods
Family Amphipoda -- Amphipods
Family Isopoda -- Isopods
Class Diplopoda -- Millipedes
Class Insecta -- Insects
Class Pauropoda -- Pauropods
Class Symplyla -- Symphylids
Subphylum Chelicerata -- Chelicerate Arthropods
Class Pycnogonida -- Sea Spiders
Class Xiphosura -- Horseshoe Crabs
Class Tardigrada -- Water Bears
Class Linguatulida -- Tongueworms
Class Arachnida -- Scorpions, spiders, ticks, mites
Order Acarina -- Mites and Ticks
Order Amblypygi
Order Araneida -- Spiders
Order Chelonethida -- Pseudoscorpions
Order Microthelyphonida -- Whip Spiders
Order Pedipalpida
Order Phalangida -- Harvestmen
Order Schizopelita
Order Scorpionida -- Scorpions
Order Solpugida -- Wind-scorpions
Phylum Echinodermata -- Spiny-skinned, radially symmetrical animals
Class Crinoidea -- Sea lilies, feather stars
Class Stelleroidea -- Starfish
Subclass Asteroidea -- Sea Stars
Class Ophiuroidea -- Brittle Stars
Class Echinoidea -- Sea Urchins
Class Holothutoidea -- Sea Cucumbers
Phylum Bryozoa (Ectoprocta) -- Bryozoans
Class Stenolaemata -- Tubular Bryozoans
Class Gymnolaemata -- Specialized Bryozoans
Class Phylactolaemata -- Freshwater Bryozoans
Phylum Entoprocta -- Entoprocts
Phylum Phoronida -- Phoronids
Phylum Hemichordata -- Acorn Worms
Phylum Chordata -- Chordates
Subphylum Urochordata -- Tunicates
Subphylum Cephalochordata -- Lancelets
Subphylum Vertebrata -- Vertebrates
Class Agnatha -- Jawless Fishes
Class Condrichthyes -- Cartilaginous Fishes
Class Osteichthyes -- Bony Fishes
Class Amphibia -- Salamanders, frogs, toads
Class Reptilia -- Lizards, snakes, crocodiles, turtles
Subclass Anapsida
Subclass Diapsida
Infraclass Archosauromorpha -- Dinosaurs
Superorder Archosauria
Order Saurischia -- Saurischians
Order Ornithischia -- Ornithischians
Order Thecodontia -- Thecodonts
Class Aves -- Birds
Class Mammalia -- Mammals
Subclass Eutheria -- Placental Mammals
Order Artiodactyla -- Even-Toed Ungulates
Family Suidae -- Swine
Family Hippopotamidae -- Hippopotamuses
Family Tragulidae -- Chevrotians
Family Giraffidae -- Giraffes
Family Bovidae -- Bovids
Order Perissodactyla -- Odd-Toed Ungulates
Family Rhinocerotidae -- Rhinoceroses
Family Equidae -- Zebras and Asses
Order Proboscoidea
Family Elephantidae -- Elephants
Order Hyracoidea -- Hyraxes
Family Procaviidae -- Hyraxes
Order Tubulidentata
Family Orycteropodidae -- Aardvarks
Order Carnivora
Family Viverridae -- Genets and Civets
Family Herpestidae -- Mongooses
Family Hyaenidae -- Hyenas
Family Felidae -- Cats
Family Canidae -- Foxes, Jackals, and Dogs
Family Mustelidae -- Weasels and Otters
Order Cetacea -- Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises
Suborder Mysticeti -- Toothed whales
Suborder Odontoceti -- Baleen Whales
Order Pinnipedia -- Sealions, seals, walruses
Order Sirenia -- Manatees, dugongs
Order Primata
Order Scandentia
Order Dermoptera
Order Probiscidea
Order Hydracoidea
Order Tubulidentata
Order Perissodactyla
Order Artiodactyla
Order Rodentia
Order Lagomorpha
Order Macroscelida
Order Insectivora
Order Pholidota
Order Edentata
Order Chiroptera
Subclass Prototheria -- Egg-Laying Mammals
Order Monotremata
Subclass Metetheria -- Marsupial Mammals
Order Marsupalia