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Classification Dictionary
The Basics of Classification Terminology

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This is the order of classification of every living thing. Each initial stands for a different level of classification:


One great way to remember this order is by pneumonic devices, such as this:


Five Kingdoms comprise every living thing on this planet:

Kingdom Monera
Bacteria; single cells of relatively little internal complexity. These are mainly producers or decomposers.
Kingdom Protista
Protistans; single cells of considerable internal complexity. These are either producers or consumers.
Kingdom Fungi
Fungi; mostly multicellular. These are decomposers.
Kingdom Plantae
Plants; mostly multicellular. These are mostly producers.
Kingdom Animalia
Animals; all multicellular. These are comsumers.

Binomial Nomenclature is the term given to the two names that every single living thing on earth has. It is simply the Genus ans Species name, or the last two names in the seven groupings listed above. For humans, we are Homo sapiens. Humans come from the Family Homo, so sometimes humans are also listed as Homo Homo sapiens, but this is totally unnecessary. Blue Whales are Balaenoptera musculus; and its near relative, the Sei Whale, is Balaenoptera borealis.

Everything on earth is classified in this way. And to avoid confusion, it is written in every language in the same style: Latinized, from left to right, in Romanic letters (the kind we use). This is so, no matter if you picked up a Japanese newspaper or a Swedish magazine, if you read of a certain genus ans species it is always easily recognizable. Unlike common names, which change drastically from one region to another.

For more on naming, see my lists on Ocean Animals to see how it is done.

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