The Angel Sharks and Monkfish

These sharks are dorsal-ventrally flattened with greatly expanded pectoral fins that overlap the also expanded pelvic fins. The gill slits are largely on the underside of the body and in front of the origin of the pectoral fins. The axis of the caudal fin is not turned up. They are bottom-dwellers, but are also active hunters. They are ovoviviparous.

Note: Although they appear skatelike, these fish are considered sharks because they have free eyelids, gill openings that extend a little onto the side of the neck, and pectoral fins that are not attached to the side of the head.

FAMILY Squatinidae
Squatina aculeata Monkfish
Squatina africana
Squatina argentina
Squatina australia Australian Monkfish
Squatina californica Pacific Angel Shark
Squatina dumeril Sand Devil
Squatina formosa
Squatina japonica Japanese Angel Shark
Squatina nebulosa
Squatina oculata Smoothback
Squatina squatina Angel Shark
Squatina tergocellata
Squatina tergocellatoides
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